Sunday, April 12, 2009

Steps to Financial Security (Part 2)

4) Trim Expenses

We live in an "Era of Consumerisma". That is, we order our lives on the belief in and need for a constant upgrading of personal demands. We take this increase in our standard of living for granted. We spend our money on that assumption.

It may seem strange, then, to say that we should take a hard look at what we buy or use — and cut down expenses. Yet that is exactly what we should be doing if we want to increase the value of our money.

A few examples. Do you need that magazine subscription? Do you need the services of a gardener? Is it really necessary to have a new car? Why not purchase a good used one? New-car payments, plus the required total insurance coverage, have been the ruination of many personal budgets.

One important reason our money doesn't buy what it should is that we are using far more services than ever before. Most services depend heavily on labor costs. If we carefully budget our money, we can identify those services that lead to excess expenses. Then we can take appropriate action to change our spending habits.

One example of an area where you may be able to cut costs is by eating out less often. You might be astonished at what some people spend over a year's time eating in restaurants. Figure out the cost of a single meal at a restaurant. Then estimate how many times you do this weekly, and multiply the amount spent by 52. You will find the yearly sum spent on eating out can be astonishingly high.

5) Invest for the Future

In terms of financial goals, we must first plan for today. But we must also carefully consider the future. If we include a regular savings plan in our budget, we can build up a sizable nest egg over the years.

It's important to think through your goals in life as early as possible. However, it's never too late to do so. Consider your long-term financial goals. Make these a part of your spending and saving plan. What about a possible home purchase, the cost of educating children, and money for retirement?

Perhaps our income is not that large. Can we save at least a small portion each year? If we do this over a 30-year period, placing the money in a wise investment, we'd be surprised at how much we would have for the later years of our lives. From this nest egg, we could draw an income, upon retirement, from the interest we receive on our investment.

Steps to Financial Security (Part 1)

If you're like most people, having enough money for a decent and secure life is one of your major concerns. Those on fixed incomes may be especially worried about creeping inflation, the rising costs of goods and services. The threat of unemployment or job loss (or business failure) also causes the jitters.

What will you do about improving your financial situation? Or you're deeply in debt. How will you make your payments and become debt-free?

Reasonable prosperity is something all of us would like to achieve and hold on to.

Let's look at the below financial principles that can help a person become more financially secure.

1) Budget Money Wisely

A most important point to remember: Make the most from the money you already earn. To spend one's money more effectively is the same as increasing one's salary. How's your "money management quotient"? One well-known family financial counselor wrote, "Managing your money may well be the single most important thing you can do today."

We may learn to be money earners, but can still end up as paupers. We have to become wise money spenders as well. Studies show that even those individuals who earn large salaries still feel financially strapped. It seems that many people's outgo for needs and wants exceeds their income.

Sound money management teaches us a basic financial maxim: There is never enough money for everything we might want or need. So we need a sensible spending plan.

A spending plan is like a road map. A budget helps us arrive at our financial destination, safe and sound. Every business and government must have a spending plan and must strive to follow it. Such a plan guides the effective use of money in many ways. It helps us:

Live within our means. A plan gives us greater control over our financial resources. We can immediately know whether something we desire to purchase is affordable.

Realize personal goals. With a spending budget, we can plan purchases properly, service debt payments, accumulate savings, save for the future.

Spend money effectively. Merchandisers know that shoppers make spur-of-the-moment purchases. Items on the supermarket counters are often positioned in such a way as to encourage purchases. A spending plan helps us to circumvent impulse buying. We buy only what we planned to buy and only those things our plan tells us we can afford.

A spending plan helps us to ask the right questions about our money. Is this the time to buy this product? Is this the most economical way to buy it? Would we rather have this product than something else? Do we have the money to buy it? Does it fit in with our goals in life?

A spending plan helps us to balance the desire for present enjoyment with long- and short-term financial needs. Instead of buying now and paying later, we begin to think of saving first and then buying when we can afford it.

If you don't know where the money goes, you can't get it to go where it should. A budget or spending plan should include three important areas:

Emergencies. We should put money away each month for unforeseen circumstances such as car and house repairs.

High-cost items. Don't buy that new television today. Each month put money into a savings account. Buy the television for cash — on your terms, without interest and at the most financially appropriate time, such as during a timely sale. Don't buy that new television today. Each month put money into a savings account. Buy the television for cash — on your terms, without interest and at the most financially appropriate time, such as during a timely sale.

Annual or periodic bills. Put away money each week, month or pay period for a future bill such as insurance or taxes. For example, if you pay an insurance bill once each year, put away one twelfth of the total in your savings each month.

2) Increase Income

Another step toward financial security has to do with maximizing our income. We need to have enough money and resources to make life what it should be without jeopardizing our mental, social and spiritual needs.

Most people are paid an hourly wage or work on salary for someone else. If you're in this situation, your chances for suddenly increasing your income by a large amount may not be particularly promising. You may receive automatic but small raises based on a company formula or union-management agreement. In some cases, your company may grant built-in cost-of-living increases.

If there is a possibility of "moving up" financially, you will have to demonstrate your usefulness. Make yourself more valuable to your boss or company. Put the emphasis on helping your organization earn more money, save money or improve its product or performance. Earn a raise.

What if you cannot do better financially even though you work harder and smarter? You have two options. Stay put or move to another job or company. Do not consider quitting your present job, however, until you know a better and more secure position awaits you.

Perhaps your type of employment has only limited monetary value. And you've achieved the highest pay possible. Can you educate yourself and improve your value in the job marketplace?

Perhaps you have the ability to create your own job by starting a small business. To succeed, you will have to make your product or service valuable and desirable to the consumer. Beware, however, of the immense amount of paperwork involved in being self-employed.

Simply put, being able to earn more depends on your attitude of service to others. It also means making the most of your abilities and situation.

3) Use Loans Wisely

The proper use of loans has significantly facilitated the flow of goods and services. Long-term, low-interest loans have made it possible to purchase items such as homes or automobiles that otherwise would have required the accumulation of many years' savings.

Another credit mechanism, the credit card, has been a tremendous boon to the consumer who is temporarily low on cash. It has eliminated the danger of carrying large amounts of cash, especially during long periods of travel. And credit cards may even be required for some purchases. But buying on credit can be a financial curse as well as a convenience, particularly when a person falls behind in making payments.

Credit buying often creates the illusion of prosperity. The small size of the monthly installment, its delayed arrival at the end of the month and the lack of cash at the time of the purchase make luxuries seem suddenly within reach. These features persuade millions of families, with otherwise adequate incomes, to spend their paychecks before they even receive them.

Once you get trapped in installment payments, the money you could have in your savings account goes to a credit institution. In effect, you are paying a premium in order to own something now instead of later.

If you habitually use credit in this manner, it can often turn out to be an expensive proposition. It sometimes adds up to a staggering 18 percent a year.

Shopping with cash, on the other hand, can often save the consumer more than just monthly interest charges. The person who pays cash can sometimes buy at a discount. Cash-conscious consumers can also take advantage of seasonal sales. They are able to shop around more freely and buy where their money has the most purchasing power. Individuals operating on credit are sometimes forced to purchase where they have their charge accounts, even though a sale may be going on next door.

The average money manager first should realize that there are two types of family and personal expenses: needs and wants. It is important to know the difference. In today's society, credit buying for items such as a car or a home can be looked on as a necessity. Even these purchases, however, can sometimes be delayed until more cash is available to lessen the finance charges.

On the other hand, credit should rarely be used for wants. Families in trouble have often used too much credit on wants rather than on what they really needed. Until they can accumulate savings, they should adopt a policy of buying wants, such as television sets, sporting goods or excess furniture, strictly on a cash basis. Here's why: Saving cash for luxuries or desires puts a remarkably stabilizing influence on a family's monetary policy. By the time you have saved the cash, there will be little doubt in your mind whether you can afford the item or if, in fact, you really want it.

To use this approach, you must resolve not to purchase anything on credit until your accounts are all paid in full. At least limit the credit purchases during your transition period to an absolute minimum so you can get your credit accounts paid off as early as possible. Then, instead of immediately obligating yourself to more payments by purchasing additional items, let your savings accumulate until you can begin to buy these items for cash.

Remember: The wise family can learn to live with credit, but it should never live by it!

4 Simple Steps For Setting Financial Goals

As with anything else in life, without financial goals and specific plans for meeting them, we drift along and leave our future to chance. A wise man once said: "Most people don't plan to fail; they just fail to plan." The end result is the same: failure to reach financial independence.

Step 1: Identify and write down your financial goals, whether they are saving to send your kids to college, buying a new car, saving for a down payment on a house, going on vacation, paying off credit card debt, or planning for retirement.

Step 2: Break each financial goal down into several short-term (less than 1 year), medium-term (1 to 3 years) and long-term (5 years or more) goals.

Step 3: Educate yourself! Read Money magazine, or a book about investing, or surf the Internet's investing web sites. The stock market is not voodoo. With a little effort you can learn enough to make educated decisions that will increase your net worth many times over. Then identify small, measurable steps you can take to achieve these goals, and put this action plan to work.

Step 4: Evaluate your progress. Review your progress monthly, quarterly, or at any other interval you feel comfortable with, but at least semi-annually, to determine if your program is working. If you're not making satisfactory progress on a particular goal, re-evaluate your approach and make changes as necessary.


There are no hard and fast rules for implementing a financial plan. The important thing is to do SOMETHING, and to start NOW.